Renexia, new energy for the future
'First-mover' for innovation and sustainability
Renexia is a company, founded in Italy and now a leading international player, specialising in the development of innovative infrastructures to produce energy from renewable sources, capable of guaranteeing maximum environmental and social sustainability for its projects. Renexia comes from a long experience in photovoltaics and onshore wind energy, is the pivot of offshore wind energy in Italy and the United States, and is seizing the opportunities offered by electric mobility. Constant dialogue with local communities, environmental associations and rigorous scientific research on the environment enable it to combine sustainability with the new opportunities for economic and social development opened up by the energy transition. Renexia is characterised by a strong vocation for innovation, which permeates every phase of the project, thanks to a team that brings together the best talents among designers, technical and scientific partners, experts and suppliers.
Renexia is a first – mover in the energy transition through the concept, design, construction and operation of innovative onshore, near shore and offshore wind power plants, with successful experiences in Italy and the United States.
Renexia has extensive experience in the development of large-scale photovoltaic systems suitable for numerous supports and contexts and is able to follow projects at every stage, from design to maintenance.
With Renexia Recharge we also operate in sustainable mobility to install ultra-fast, state-of-the-art charging stations for electric cars in motorway service areas.
The Renexia model
Scientific approach
Inclusiveness and sharing
Renexia values ‘game-changer’ technologies, capable of making a difference in terms of operability and sustainability.
Renexia collaborates with prestigious research organisations, both Italian and international, to gather objective and incontrovertible data on the ecosystems in which it works.
Renexia seeks inclusiveness, listening, horizontality and transparent dialogue with all stakeholders, at every stage of the project.
Renexia considers sustainability as the core value of every project, involving society and the economy.
Beleolico, the first marine wind farm in Italy and in the Mediterranean SEA
April 21st, 2022 is a historic date for renewable energy. On this day, in Taranto, Renexia rolled out Beleolico, the first marine wind farm not only in Italy but in the entire Mediterranean Sea, with ten turbines for a total capacity of 30 MW, equal to the annual needs of 60 thousand people and a saving of about 730 thousand tonnes of CO2.
The “Pivot” for innovation
Renexia was born with a strong vocation for innovation, in every aspect of the construction of energy infrastructures: from strategic vision to operational functions, from project conception to execution and plant management, taking care of every moment and every step. To do this, Renexia selects the best talents from among designers, experts and suppliers, in Italy and abroad, to set up and coordinate highly specialised work teams capable of bringing emblematic value to each project.
L’Edicola del Sud – Il modello di futuro in acque tarantine
The first marine wind farm in Italy and in the entire Mediterranean was born in Taranto. Beleolico, that's its name, was built by Renexia, a Toto Group company, which is active precisely in the business world of Renewable...
La Repubblica Bari – Toto, “L’eolico offshore qui è un modello. In Puglia grandi chance”
Inaugurated in April 2022, the "Beleolico" marine wind farm, built and operated by Renexia, was taking its first steps just a year ago, when the first of 10 power-generating turbines was installed in the sea in front of the Polisectoral Pier at the end of January... read more
Repubblica Palermo Green&Blue – I parchi eolici siciliani con il vento in poppa.
It is the wind energy coffer along with Puglia and Basilicata, according to the most recent census by Anev, the association of wind energy producers ...
Il Sole 24 Ore – Taranto avvia il maxi parco eolico in mare.
The offshore wind farm inaugurated yesterday in Taranto will provide energy from renewable sources to the port. This is foreseen in an agreement signed between the Toto Group's Renexia company, which owns the farm ...
Events, projects and trends that tell of our commitment to creating new clean energy.
August 24, 2023
The frontrunners of wind: Renexia, Med Wind and offshore wind
Wind energy is clean, renewable, affordable and abundant. Wind power projects have been under development in Italy for many years to contribute to the…
July 15, 2024
Med Wind, second phase of geotechnical campaign kicks off
A new phase of scientific research begins for Med Wind, the largest offshore floating wind farm project in the heart of the Mediterranean.
July 7, 2023
Three questions to Riccardo Toto about… the Renexia model
The General Manager of Renexia explains what the model that is making the history of renewables in Italy is based on and which represents an example for other…
August 24, 2023
The frontrunners of wind: Renexia, Med Wind and offshore wind
Wind energy is clean, renewable, affordable and abundant. Wind power projects have been under development in Italy for many years to contribute to the…
July 15, 2024
Med Wind, second phase of geotechnical campaign kicks off
A new phase of scientific research begins for Med Wind, the largest offshore floating wind farm project in the heart of the Mediterranean.
July 7, 2023
Three questions to Riccardo Toto about… the Renexia model
The General Manager of Renexia explains what the model that is making the history of renewables in Italy is based on and which represents an example for other…
June 26, 2023
Renexia back to sail with Goletta Verde
For the second consecutive year, Renexia adheres to the Legambiente traveling campaign, bringing the story of the new goals achieved in the offshore wind…
June 22, 2023
Med Wind, Renexia signs agreement with Seas Geosciences for seabed analysis
Renexia has signed an agreement with Seas Geosciences, a U.S.-based company specializing in marine analysis, which will help acquire geotechnical and…
June 6, 2023
Beleolico pleases Europe: the visit of European Commission vice president Frans Timmermans
European Commission Vice President Frans Timmermans, during his day in Taranto, also visited Beleolico, the first marine wind farm in the Mediterranean, built…
June 1, 2023
Renexia Recharge, ultrafast charging at the gates of Rome (VIDEO)
Renexia Recharge's six charging stations at the Tiburtina Sud service area make it possible to move electrically, even on the capital's most congested roads,…