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September 6, 2024
La Repubblica – Parco eolico offshore commessa USA per Toto
White House entrusts work to US Wind subsidiary. U.S. government green light for construction of a wind energy park off the coast of…
August 9, 2024
Il Sole 24 Ore – Patto Renexia con MingYang e Mimit per maxi fabbrica di turbine in Italia
500 million investment for 1,100 employees: site to be chosen within the year. General Manager Toto: “First stone of supply chain for…
February 26, 2023
L’Edicola del Sud – Il modello di futuro in acque tarantine
The first marine wind farm in Italy and in the entire Mediterranean was born in Taranto. Beleolico, that's its name, was built by Renexia,…
January 31, 2023
La Repubblica Bari – Toto, “L’eolico offshore qui è un modello. In Puglia grandi chance”
Inaugurated in April 2022, the "Beleolico" marine wind farm, built and operated by Renexia, was taking its first steps just a year ago,…
June 23, 2022
Repubblica Palermo Green&Blue – I parchi eolici siciliani con il vento in poppa.
It is the wind energy coffer along with Puglia and Basilicata, according to the most recent census by Anev, the association of wind energy…
April 22, 2022
Il Sole 24 Ore – Taranto avvia il maxi parco eolico in mare.
The offshore wind farm inaugurated yesterday in Taranto will provide energy from renewable sources to the port. This is foreseen in an…
February 1, 2022
Wind farm, here is the first turbine
(Taranto). The positioning operations of the first turbine (in the photo) of Beleolico have started off the polisectorial pier. This was…
November 5, 2021
Rinnovabili, Italia in coda con 39 progetti nella corsa all’eolico in mare
(Taranto). Placement operations of the first Beleolico turbine off the polysectoral pier have begun.
September 30, 2021
Energia, una ventata di aria buona agevola la decarbonizzazione
Using wind power, Italy met 6.1 percent of its energy needs in 2020. The approximately 7,000 turbines spinning 90.5 percent in the southern…
August 25, 2021
Parco compatibile con l’ambiente
Eng. Eng. Sammartino, Renexia executive: "The procedure lasted ten years. There will be a need for local businesses." Perplexities of…
August 22, 2021
Eolico in mare, solare in autostrada. La nuova via italiana alle rinnovabili
With 4 million 250 thousand kilowatt hours of average annual consumption, the Matitone, an iconic Genoese building, is an example of an…
August 20, 2021
Sono sbarcate a Taranto le strutture per il maxi parco eolico
The first monopiles that will form the backbone of the Mar Grande offshore wind farm, the first in the Mediterranean, landed yesterday on…
May 29, 2021
Offshore a gonfie vele
Renexia, the Toto Group's green subsidiary, cashes in on WWF's yes. Now it is waiting for Cingolani's (Ecological Transition) to unlock the…
November 5, 2020
Renexia: un parco eolico galleggiante nel mare di Sicilia nel rispetto dell’ambiente
The Toto Group company has submitted the project to the Ministry of Environment. 9 billion investment for a maxi floating wind farm in the…
April 1, 2019
Corriere della Sera: “Gruppo Toto, dagli aerei al Green
After his experience with Air One, Riccardo leads the green adventure. The subsidiary Renexia, in eight years, has reached 200 million…
March 1, 2016
Word to the associates: Paolo Sammartino, C.O.O. of Renexia
Renexia was founded in 2011 to give a name to the Renewable Energy Division of Toto S.p.A., and is involved in the development, design,…
October 28, 2013
Toto Costruzioni chooses GE wind turbines to supply energy to the Apulia Region
GE (NYSE: GE) today announced that it will supply Toto Costruzioni S.p.A. with eight GE 2,85-103 wind turbines for a wind farm in Apulia.…
February 1, 2012
Energy & Environment
Toto Group company presented the project to the Ministry of the Environment. It foresees 9 billion investment for a maxi floating wind farm…